Monday, 30 January 2012

Grey & Black

Hi guys! Thought today i'd do a 'outfit of the day' post as I haven't done one in a while. I'll admit normally i'm really lazy and cannot be bothered to take photo's of myself as I just don't have the time, but with half an hour spare this evening i thought why not?:) It's not a very interesting outfit today but I like the simplicity of it im honest. I brough this grey jersey dress yesterday from good old new look and I love it! The fabric is lovely and comfy, and it's so easy to just throw on with tights and boots, as I did today. Plus it only cost me 88p! How crazy is that!? Okay so it was orignally £8.99 but with my student discount card, plus some money left on a new look card from christmas i only had to pay 88p:D Massive bargin in my book!

My newest accessorie (excuse awful spelling!) recently is this trilby hat, and i literally live in it! I had a straw one from last summer but i really wanted a black one so it would go with everything, and i managed to grab one for a fiver in the peacocks closing down sale, RESULT:D I've noticed that i'm really into dark colours at the moment like blacks and greys, bit odd as i normally love bright things but hey ho, maybe it's just the depressing weather...
P.S excuse such bad photos! desperatly in need of a new camera!



  1. Love the hat! You look stunning!

  2. Nice photos and really cool outfit, you look great, I like your dress, what a great color and that hat is so nice, the perfect touch to the outfit also you are really beautiful and your accessories rock! You have an awesome blog by the way and I am a new follower! Hope you will like my blog and follow back!

    Pop Culture&Fashion Magic
